![]() Learning Debian GNU/LinuxQuotes"O'Reilly publishes some of the best technical books anywhere. Lately they have been publishing quite a few books on Linux. The book is excellent; well worth the price - even users of non-Debian based distributions might want to pick it up!" -- William Henning, Aboutlinux.com, June 2000 "a solid book for the new Linux user considering Debian as the distribution of Linux." --Paul Gray, Cedar Valley Linux Users Group, April 2000 "If you know nothing about Linux, get this book. If the very sound of the word excites and terrifies you, all at the same time, get this book. Written primarily from an x86 viewpoint, this book is applicable to most distributions of Linux in general, and specifically to Debian on all of its supported systems. Mac users looking for a flavor of Linux to run on an old 68k, this is it. Debian runs on most 68k systems, and for that matter, it runs on most other hardware platforms. There is very little griping that can be done about this book. It's a very easy read and will get most newbies on their way to Geekdom. When it comes to getting the total newbie started with Linux, this book scores a solid 4 outta 5. It accomplishes its task quite well. Match this book with a newsgroup or a Linux mailing list, and presto - Geek in a week!" --bluebuttbunny.com "Designed to let ordinary mortals get up and running with the legendarily user-unfriendly Debian...now thanks to O'Reilly & Associates, it's within reach of Everyman." --Thom Stark, Boardwatch Magazine, March 2000 "Learning GNU/Debian Linux is about all of the awkward parts of the Debian system. The other books that have been written about the Debian distribution are not quite as helpful or comprehensive as this publication is. There aren't many books about Debian which are much better :-)" -- Richard Ibbotson, Manchester Linux Users Group, February 2000
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