Delivering sound doctrine to an unsound world

Vol.1, Issue 2 --- March 8, 2000

Standing for the Constitution

Commentary by Alan Keyes

This month's political article was written by Dr. Alan Keyes, and appeared on WorldNetDaily on Saturday, Feb. 26, 2000. Click here to read the article, which is located on WND's site.

Editor's Note: Some would ask what a commentary on politics is doing in a conservative Christian magazine in the first place. I think that I speak for all the regular contributors to this magazine when I say that it is our firm conviction that religion (for lack of a better term) was never meant to be divorced from government.

It is an historical fact that this once-great nation was founded upon the knees of the patriots, and could not have come into being without the help of Providence. America today is in need of a patriotic revival, just as the Church is in need of a spiritual one. We need to return to the Constitution of the United States of America, and away from the modern liberal interpretations and mis-applications of that document.

Does Preach The Word endorse any particular candidate? I'm afraid not. By editorial decision, this periodical will limit itself to instructing the reader concerning conservative constitutional theory and the like, trusting in Providence to guide the voter according to Conscience.
-- J. K.

© 2000 --- Preach The Word Magazine
Joey Kelly, editor