Re: [Nolug] local exploits for FreeBSD??

From: Joey Kelly <>
Date: Thu, 3 Jan 2002 19:11:06 +0000
Message-Id: <0201031911060M.30300@rahab>

>How concerned are you and your friends about security? Enough
>for your group to all migrate to an IM system other than IRC?

Nope, that isn't really an option. There are far too many newbies that can't,
won't, or don't see a need to switch. Sure, I'd like to run silc, but none of
my friends are going to run it, so why worry about it?

Also, irc is all-pervasive. It's everywhere. On (another
network I inhabit) are the official channels for many open source projects.
Instant access to expert help on just about any subject you can name is
available on irc, on practically any network.

Given that, we're doing what we can to make things as secure as possible. For
instance, we've found a script that encrypts all botnet traffic. I've got all
my outbound irc connections running through a proxy (bnc) on my netbsd
firewall. Etc. Etc.

Nolug mailing list
Received on 01/03/02

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