Re: [Nolug] Music meeting?

From: Ron Johnson <>
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2008 22:20:16 -0500
Message-ID: <>

On 07/31/08 21:50, Jeremy Sliwinski (mailing list account) wrote:
> Chris Jones wrote:
>> Vacuum tubes are terrible for making music actually. It takes about
>> 30 minutes of warmup before a tube based oscillator can even play in
>> tune reliably. ;)
> And ? Digital synths have been trying for years to match both the
> warmth and body of tube based synths for decades. Everyone says
> digital is better in every regard, but I'll take a tube based amplifier
> over a transistor or IC based amp any day of the week.

I bet that a suitably-motivated audio engineer could fool you in a
blind test.

Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA  USA
Scientists are people, too.  IOW, they also "crave power, money,
respect, and influence, and they also fear for their jobs. Each
can be a healthy motivator, but each has the ability to turn a
good scientist into a bad one; and in some cases, they can turn
a good scientist into a charlatan."
Nolug mailing list
Received on 07/31/08

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