Re: [Nolug] Ubuntu on Macs

From: Mischa D. Krilov <>
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2008 15:54:04 -0500
Message-ID: <>


I was able to lay hands on a 1.5GHz PowerBook G4.

For me, Ubuntu 8.04 PPC initially failed to boot to a GUI, giving a
pale sort of while screen that looked as though the LCD was
underpowered. I rebooted and read the yaboot message, which told me to
use "live video=ofonly" which presumably uses only the Open Firmware
for a video driver of some sort.

After that, I got the Gnome desktop and things seem like they work-
keyboard, mouse, wired and wireless network, audio. I still had an old
Flash and a beta Firefox, so I'd expect that a round of updates would
be in order. I didn't install Ubuntu to the hard drive, just spent ten
minutes poking around.

Hope this helps!


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Received on 09/25/08

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