Based on my experience with GMail and the free apps service, I'm not worried
about outages. The privacy concern doesn't worry me with Google any more
than any other company. What do I know now when my host looks at our
email? Nothing because I wouldn't know..
On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 4:23 PM, Ron Johnson <> wrote:
> On 2009-08-30 15:29, Jonathan Roberts wrote:
>> Has anyone used the GMail paid service (Enterprise, I think is their
>> term)? My employer is considering a switch to it. We are unhappy with our
>> current mail server (with our web host) due to spam and outages. We looked
>> at hosted Exchange as we wanted to also gain shared calendaring, but it
>> seems that many companies don't do a very good job at hosted Exchange
>> either.. With GMail's anti-spam service, Outlook sync utility and shared
>> calendaring abilities, it seems like a good choice.
> What happens when Google has an outage, or decides to "grep" through your
> emails for interesting tidbits?
> Wondering if anyone on the list is using it in a small to medium business
>> setting?
> --
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Received on 08/30/09
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