Re: [Nolug] Please Enjoy Another E-Mail Alert

From: Jeremy Sliwinski (mailing list account) <>
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 20:38:30 -0500
Message-ID: <>

On 4/12/2010 6:04 PM, Joey Kelly wrote:
> On Mon April 12 2010 3:36 pm, Barrington Womble wrote:
>> Why is this not forum-based? I'm happy to host.
> We tried that a few years back, but honestly I'm just not interested in that
> format.
> Too many messages lately? I can't believe the traffic, myself. But all mail
> clients allow folder creation and filtering.

Yeah, I'll clarify what happened last time... I thnk I was the one who
made the push for us to go to a forum based discussion format. At that
time we were having a large number of email responses, in fact, some of
them involved some pretty rapid fire responses.

Like I said before, this was back when we had a lot of long time
members, guys who remembered an old brown Comanche, the tale of an optic
library had for pennies on eBay and, before my time, a punk named Hunter
(the punk rocker kind of punk, not the prick kind) playing a hand in
banning NOLUG from New Horizons.

Anyway, the reasoning came, IIRC, that since we were already using our
mail clients and since most of us leaving them open 24/7 anyway, why add
enough layer of funkiness to the discussion. We were all used to our
MUAs, so throwing a forum in meant we had to open the browser, login to
the forum, crawl through the threads, etc., when most of us could are do
very efficiently in our client without all the browsing and logging in.

Like Ron said, as long as you reply correctly, MUAs will thread VERY
well... Like Joey said, you can sort by subject line into folders and
do automated filters. Or my favorite, especially when reading NANOG
sometimes, *plonk* when necessary.


Nolug mailing list
Received on 04/12/10

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