[Nolug] Somewhat OT, Anyone looking for a Jr. Admin / Desktop support possition?

From: Dennis Bourn <dbourn_at_Tomba.com>
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 09:23:05 -0500
Message-ID: <551D1BAD04875842B7B8BBF3F2ACD6271A1B61@venus.tomba.local>

The company that I work for is looking for a Jr. Admin / Desktop support
guy to assist me with our network. It's a windows shop, but I think
Linux users make the best techs because they are actually curious about
how computers work.


The job would be standard desktop support and some admin stuff for our
corporate network. 3 networked locations, All Windows. The upside is you
get to play with MAN/WAN size wireless networks on Motorola Canopy gear.
Some 4.9GHz public safety band wireless stuff. Possibly some vehicle
location GPS stuff, and Mesh/Hotspot outdoor wireless as well.


Let me know if your interested.


Dennis Bourn


Tomba Communications


Nolug mailing list
Received on 04/20/10

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