If I manually remove the files and directories and then attempt to reinstall apache2 with apt-get later will it reinstall the default directories and files even though I did not remove them via the package manager? My concern is that having manually removed them the package manager will assume that these directories still exist and then forgo installing them along with the default config files leaving me with none.
At this point removing these files isn't a huge concern, it just bugs me not finding a way to do a completely clean uninstall.
-- Sent from my Palm Pre
On Jul 1, 2010 9:10 PM, lance lassetter <lancelassetter@gmail.com> wrote:
the reason dpkg leaves those directories and files around is because
they have been modified by the user.
On Thu, 2010-07-01 at 21:02 -0500, James Hess wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 7:35 PM, Ronald Giardina
> <general.reikan@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I've looked online and can't find a solution to this that works. Notice my
> > usage of underlining. If the explicit purpose of the purge option is to
> > remove a package and it's configuration files why does dpkg choke when it
> > finds configuration files in a folder? Educate me please!
> Well, you are using the right command for that, but in some cases,
> dpkg leaves around directories, because it tries to delete the
> directory first and fails because there are files in it.. the files
> might even get removed leaving behind an empty dir. In these cases I
> would call that a long-time dpkg bug.
> But usually an empty directory left behind is harmless.
> The simplest way to cleanup after dpkg in this case is to remove the
> directory by hand using 'rmdir /path/to/directory' after
> manually deleting all files there, or the quicker 'rm -r
> /path/to/directory', if you are sure there are no files in there
> unrelated to what you are erasing.
> In other cases, there might be a file in that directory which is not
> part of the package, for example, a file you created, or a file that
> is part of a different package. In either case, deleting package A
> shouldn't delete package B's files, so the directory gets kept.
> e.g.
> warning: while removing blahblah, directory '/usr' not empty so not removed.
> --
> -JH
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