Re: [Nolug] Ubuntu

From: Dave Prentice <>
Date: Fri, 01 Oct 2010 17:39:43 -0500
Message-ID: <>
Ubuntu is great, but it has some problems installing on laptops (e.g. IBM Thinkpad). Those who still want to tweak conf files should specialize in laptops.
Dave Prentice

On 10/1/2010 12:57 PM, Jerry Wilborn wrote:
Linux still lags when it comes to hardware support and games

I'd argue that the hardware support for Linux (when it comes to server specific items like network cards, raid cards, etc) is better since you're able to tweak a lot of the settings or dig into the driver if you're really ambitious.

Consumer hardware on the other hand... Yeah. I'll concede that one.

Jerry Wilborn

On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 12:33 PM, Joey Kelly <> wrote:
On Fri October 1 2010 12:19 pm, Dustin Hinton wrote:
> I'm with Techmaster... At one point I've ran almost every distro.. Ubuntu
> is completely awesome.. It's what we have been working towards.. You should
> be excited.. Not hating.. Everything came from somewhere.. Debian is still
> awesome(which I still tinker with) But it helped give birth to something
> else.. Ubuntu is the first real pro package we have produced as a
> community.. It actually installs the first time, its usable, it's GUI is
> feature rich and playful... I love it.. It's my main OS..

Look, I posted a funny picture, and I don't apologize for it.

That said, what you just posted thrills me. We do finally have a class of
desktop distributions (SuSE is on about the same level, and possibly a couple
others) that the general computing public can choose and use. Linux still
lags when it comes to hardware support and games, but that's about it as far
as I'm concerned. I've migrated a few folks over to Linux and they're happy
as clams, and can basically administrate their own computers, once I showed
them around a bit.

Windows, Mac and Linux... all valid choices now that Linux has essentially
cleared the desktop hurdles it once had.

Joey Kelly
Minister of the Gospel and Linux Consultant
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