Re: [Nolug] T-mobile satisfaction?

From: Bart Pittari <>
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2010 09:47:41 -0500
Message-ID: <>

When it was Cingular, they and T-Mobile had a free-roaming agreement, so no
matter which carrier was present, you'd still have service. I'm guessing
that all changed when it became AT&T. You can detect the AT&T network now,
but not register to it. When I was in Ontario a couple of years ago,
T-Mobile roamed to Rogers Wireless, but I've got my phone settings to only
connect to T-Mobile carriers if roaming, so I can only guess that Rogers
supports T-Mobile in that area.

On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 9:42 AM, Lee S. Whatley <> wrote:

> On Mon, 11 Oct 2010, Joey Kelly wrote:
>> That raises a question: both T-mobile and AT&T are GSM systems. Do
>> T-mobile
>> handsets roam or whatever to AT&T towers?
> I've never seen my phone roam to an AT&T tower, but that doesn't mean it's
> not possible I suppose. FWIW the only time I've ever seen my phone
> associate itself with a provider other than T-mobile was when I was in
> Jamica (digicel) and North Carolina (suncom)
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