___________________ Nolug mailing list nolug@nolug.org Received on 10/25/10SuperAntiSpyware.com has a portable executable antimalwae program on there site. Download the portable version to a usbdrive on a clean system then run it on the infected computer. You may have to reassociate the exe files. Googling should help you with that.
Good luck.
Jay C. Theriot
On Oct 24, 2010 8:47 PM, "Lee S. Whatley" <lee@whatley.org> wrote:
My neighbor has a Windows laptop that's giving him problems (Office and other programs won't run anymore, shuts down randomly, etc.). Sounds like he has a malware issue perhaps. I haven't really used a Windows machine in years now, so I wouldn't really know where to start helping him other than to do a wipe and re-install.
Does anyone here do PC work on the side that would want to help him out? What kind of rates do you charge? I think he'd be willing to bring it to you so long as you're in the city.
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