Re: [Nolug] Anyone do PC work on the side

From: Dave Prentice <>
Date: Sun, 24 Oct 2010 23:13:50 -0500
Message-ID: <>
Assuming he can get it running, he should set up a second user with full admin privileges and never use it unless there is another virus. I did that on my wife's Vista computer; when she picked up a virus, I copied and virus checked all her data, deleted her as a user, then re-added her. Though some viruses may be able to trash the system, this one was unable to affect any other users. Saved a lot of time for recovery!
Dave Prentice

On 10/24/2010 10:50 PM, Jay C. Theriot wrote: has a portable executable antimalwae program on there site.  Download the portable version to a usbdrive on a clean system then run it on the infected computer.  You may have to reassociate the exe files.  Googling should help you with that.

Good luck.

Jay C. Theriot

On Oct 24, 2010 8:47 PM, "Lee S. Whatley" <> wrote:

My neighbor has a Windows laptop that's giving him problems (Office and other programs won't run anymore, shuts down randomly, etc.).  Sounds like he has a malware issue perhaps.   I haven't really used a Windows machine in years now, so I wouldn't really know where to start helping him other than to do a wipe and re-install.

Does anyone here do PC work on the side that would want to help him out?  What kind of rates do you charge?  I think he'd be willing to bring it to you so long as you're in the city.

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