Re: [Nolug] Someone just called my home-office phone number...

From: Chris Jones <>
Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2011 18:50:45 -0600
Message-ID: <>

We've been hearing about that a lot from a few of our clients over the past
2 months or so. I don't know what is going on, but it is scary as hell
because people are so naive when it comes to computers. The TV stations
need to be warning people about these scams that are going on now. In other
countries they are starting businesses whose business models involve
scamming people. Think back to the 1920's and how bad the mafia was back
then. That's what 75% of the world is going through right now, except this
time they have technology at their disposal.

On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 6:36 PM, Ron Johnson <> wrote:

> claiming to be from Microsoft technical support, saying that my PC is
> spreading viruses. Wanted me to go to a website and install some software
> so that he (dare I mention that he had a strong Indian accent and there were
> background noises indicating that he was in a call center) could "show me
> the viruses".
> I humored him for a bit, then told him he was full of sh*t then hung up.
> --
> I prefer banana-flavored energy bars made from tofu.
> ___________________
> Nolug mailing list

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Received on 03/03/11

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