I did *not* call you a welfare recipient.
My apologies. You're absolutely right. You only implied it when you
brought that unrelated term into the conversation. You sir, are not an
ass. See how I'm explicitly saying you're not an ass? I mean you
definitely are not an ass.
> Supply and demand.
> If the supply of people who could *sufficiently* perform the task were
> limited, then you could demand higher pay and better work rules.
> But there isn't a limited supply of such workers, so they have you over a
> barrel.
Only if I want the work. Since I don't want the work. I'm not over the
barrel, but I think you need to look deep in your psyche and figure out why
you want to think of a man bent over a barrel.
Seriously, are you going to come at me with solutions to the questions or
are you just going to spout capitalist rhetoric?
I'm so glad it's a Sunday. Tomorrow can't get here fast enough. I'm
actually so bored I'm responding to someone who can't address the questions
without parroting conservative talk radio.
> --
> "Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure
> the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally
> corrupt."
> Samuel Adams, essay in The Public Advertiser, 1749
> ___________________
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