On Sun, Apr 10, 2011 at 5:53 PM, Ron Johnson <ron.l.johnson@cox.net> wrote:
> On 04/10/2011 04:32 PM, Clint Billedeaux wrote:
>> Supply and demand.
>>> If the supply of people who could *sufficiently* perform the task were
>>> limited, then you could demand higher pay and better work rules.
>>> But there isn't a limited supply of such workers, so they have you over a
>>> barrel.
>>> Only if I want the work. Since I don't want the work. I'm not over the
>> barrel,
> Good for you.
> but I think you need to look deep in your psyche and figure out why
>> you want to think of a man bent over a barrel.
> N.C.
> Seriously, are you going to come at me with solutions to the questions or
>> are you just going to spout capitalist rhetoric?
> Since the "you" in "they have you over a barrel" is a metaphor and you
> didn't notice that, I'm not surprised that you're a left-wing radical.
> I'm so glad it's a Sunday. Tomorrow can't get here fast enough. I'm
>> actually so bored I'm responding to someone who can't address the
>> questions
>> without parroting conservative talk radio.
> You left wingers think that you're smarter/wiser/better educated/holier
> than everyone else, yet I see nothing but emotional outbursts and angry
> rhetoric from you all.
see. I love how I have to fit into a box. Especially a left wing box just
because I don't need the 5th grade civics/free enterprising lecture. Can't
a man ask for better from you without you calling him a left-wing elitist,
or are you just too lazy to have original thoughts?
> (We right-wing neo-con evil, fascist, racist, sexist, homophobic, in-bred
> Republicans who want blacks, browns and old people to starve while
> millionaires become billionaires are *obviously* too stupid to form rational
> thoughts and so it is expected that we do nothing but parrot angry
> conservative rhetoric.)
Oh...there's an excuse for the lazy "copy and paste a Rush Limbaugh
monologue" approach to boring someone who wants to talk about solutions.
It's because you're expected to do it that you do it. Self-fulfilling
prophecy he says. Great. You know what. It's 10pm on Sunday. When I wake
up, I want to talk linux. Not suffer the right wing martyr complex.
It's funny that your signature talks about corrupt manners when you yourself
began answering this thread with rude and common rhetoric. You sir, are no
gentleman, and you're a far cry from patriotic. Stick thumb in your drive.
> (I don't remember remember the last time I listened to the radio, much less
> conservative talk radio. And no, I don't watch Glenn Beck or Sean Hannity
> or Bill O'Reilly on FNC.)
> --
> "Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure
> the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally
> corrupt."
> Samuel Adams, essay in The Public Advertiser, 1749
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