Re: [Nolug] New feature of Cox High Speed Internet

From: Jeremy <>
Date: Wed, 07 Sep 2011 14:30:01 -0500
Message-ID: <>

On 9/7/2011 1:07 PM, Charles Paul wrote:
> Are there *any* service providers for unmetered, un-capped Internet
> access in New Orleans?

I know that Cox Business and ATT's Business DSL are both uncapped. I
paid the extra bucks for that back when I worked from home for a
consulting company because I wanted better support in the event of
issues with my connection.

Clearwire is suppose to be in or coming to this area and from what I've
seen, they do offer unlimited service.

As for the caps, this comes from someone who works daily at one of the
big boys... The caps have a lot more to do with stemming the tide of
internet video than anything. The companies that have pushed hardest
for caps are those that have video products that would be cannibalized
by Video-over-IP type services. Problem is they are resisting the
change from video when they want it to a completely on demand, IP based
world where video is when you want it, where you want it (ala Netflix,
and Hulu). Customers more and more are wanting a totally on demand
video experience.

And even with heavy users, ISPs are making money on unlimited. Anyone
that says otherwise is either misleading you or operates on an outdated
assumption that internet usage should still resemble what it did in the
dial-up days.

The worst that we can do is cap services, especially as we're moving
more and more to an Everything-over-IP model.


PS - These views don't reflect the views of my employer and in some
instances are directly opposed to what they believe or want. I don't
sell out. ;)
Nolug mailing list
Received on 09/07/11

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