[Nolug] Monitor incoming files and...

From: Clint Billedeaux <clint_at_fastbadge.com>
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2012 12:09:05 -0500
Message-ID: <CAKhJyBLwcvm9vhapuHWuAxtv0HrpUjAM=Vp501jNsrVVZ86KVw@mail.gmail.com>

I've been working on a small piece of code in C# that monitors the
filesystem for created .txt files in a specific folder. Then I
realized...I'M INSANE. I'm writing a windows service to run on a windows
machine to watch files created on a Linux fileserver.

So maybe retarded is a more accurate word than insane...Your opinion will
be properly stored => dev.null

Anyway. Not as familiar with automating tasks on Linux, I'm out of my

Here's what I'm looking for:

Whenever a .txt file is created in my folder on the Linux fileserver, Linux
needs to catch it, and encode the file using Windows codepage-1252, then
finish saving the file.

I'm perfectly willing to catch the file in one directory, make the encoding
modification, and store it in a different directory, since I don't want the
box getting caught up in an infinite catch/save loop.

This sounds simple to me, but I couldn't get the Website Dev guys to make
the website encode the files using codepage-1252, so I won't be shocked if
this group comes back with no answer. But I sure would love even a nudge
in the right direction.


Nolug mailing list
Received on 06/21/12

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