Re: [Nolug] bash problem

From: B. Estrade <>
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 13:00:08 -0500
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 10:51:37AM -0500, Diann Smith wrote:
> I am a newbi and I have a problem trying to run this code. I am trying to
> put a unix variable - (Target_account)
> into a bash/unix scritpt. If anyone could help I would appreciate it.
> Thanks
> diann
> #!/bin/bash
> RS=samp.lst
> . ${MMS_LOCAL}/etc/
> sqlplus / ' as sysdba' <<EOF
> SELECT username, expiry_date
> from dba_users
> where username = $TARGET_ACOUNT
> and round (expiry_date - sysdate < 11);

1. Is MM_LOCAL defined?

2. What's in $MM_LOCAL/etc/ ?

3. are you meaning to echo "SID=$ORACLE_SID" or is this supposed to be
an actual assignment?

4. is that forward slash following 'sqlplus' legit?

5. is 'sqlplus' a function or executable, if the former is it defined?
If the latter, is it in $PATH?

Also, you define "RS", but don't use it in that snippet.


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Received on 07/26/13

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