[Nolug] Free Registration for the cPanel Conference'13 in NOLA (9/30-10/2)

From: B. Estrade <estrabd_at_gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 07:54:23 -0500
Message-ID: <CALSf6fTcfHXLbwi5RroA1-WUn6-dh5Mv9O=GAgvW+nxrQXebjA@mail.gmail.com>

I have been working for cPanel over 2 years now, and I would like to invite
everyone to the 2013 cPanel Conference being held in New Orleans. This is
the first time it's being held outside of Texas. I am sharing this
information on my own volition, however.

Free registration is available for Tuesday an Wednesday (10/1, 10/2), with
a heavier focus on Wednesday.

code: cPanel2013VIP

If you have problems registering, let me know.

Take a look at the agenda to see if there are any interesting talks -

The really nice thing about cPanel is that it's one of the few software
products out there that allows one to build a business. The software is
rock solid and support is second to none. cPanel is focused on one thing
and one thing only, enabling web hosting for you and your customers.

Let me know if you have any questions, otherwise I'll see you there!

Brett Estrade

Nolug mailing list
Received on 09/11/13

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