Re: [Nolug] IBM Punch Cards

From: Jimmy Hess <>
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 19:26:15 -0600
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 6:54 PM, John Souvestre <> wrote:

> They are thicker and don't keep their place as well. The punch card
> "bites" and won't move around when you close the book.

There are more eBay listings than that. try a search for "IBM 5081 cards"

I understand, IBM's cards are paper; card stock 0.007 inch thick to
within tolerance of +/- 0.0004, with precisely specified dimensions.
Still, there are plenty of paper manufacturers who ought to be able to do
it, if they wanted to.

Sparkle Filters in Texas, reportedly still uses an IBM 402 for all their
Accounting work and Inventory, because that's the system their people
know... so someone must have a, err, supply of the cards to be able to
run the software input their data and get their reports out..., and if
it were $1 a card... they'd probably go broke..... :)

 I know, I'm being silly - but I like 'em. J
> John
> John Souvestre - New Orleans LA
> --

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Received on 02/18/14

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