RE: [Nolug] Cox 2nd level technician says...

From: John Souvestre <>
Date: Mon, 19 May 2014 13:30:38 -0500
Message-ID: <037101cf7390$6fa23520$4ee69f60$>

MultiPing from Nessoft. It's a great tool for monitoring and is free/$25.
It's for Windows, however. I also use PingPlotter (it is a continuous
traceroute for a single target) for troubleshooting along a path.


hrPING is nice, too, as long as you are willing to check the log. It's a
Linux tool which is also available for Windows.



    John Souvestre - New Orleans LA


From: []
On Behalf Of Ron Johnson
Sent: Mon, May 19, 2014 1:26 pm
Subject: Re: [Nolug] Cox 2nd level technician says...


How do you track this? Manually, or with some program that reports ping

On 05/19/2014 01:15 PM, John Souvestre wrote:

Hello Jerry.


I have a Cisco DPC3010, straight from Cox (twice). It allows access to the
status page ( which includes the signal level info. My signals
are always good, even when the packet loss is taking place. Others in my area
have the problem also. So it's not a problem on just my feed.


Sometimes problem seems to correlate with high-usage times (late afternoon,
evening), but not well enough to say there is a casual link. For example, I
saw loss of over 1% yesterday during these periods:


    00:50 to 01:00

    03:00 to 05:00 (up to 10%)

    15:40 to 17:00 (up to 12%)

    19:52 to 19:59 (up to 25%)

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Albert Einstein

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Received on 05/19/14

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