Hi Ron.
> But then you'd have a situation like the old NOPSI, where the City
> provided electricity.
No, I didn't suggest that the parish get into the Cable TV business.
All that I'm asking is that the company who operates the Cable TV monopoly not
be allowed to take advantage of that monopoly by using it as a base to compete
in other areas where no monopoly is needed.
I don't see Cox limiting my choice of TV networks, or trying to replace what I
want to watch with their own network. Why should they do it with the Internet
service which is provided over the same public right-of-ways?
> ... (and where BS is charging alot for other companies to piggy-back
> along the "last mile"):
Yes, BellSouth's charges are significant! But if they get too high, ISP's have
a choice and they can switch to Covad. What choices to ISP's have with regard
to providing their services via cable?
> I think that neither RBOCs nor cable companies should be allowed to
> be ISPs.
Where do you draw the line? How about long distance? How about ... ? With
the exception of the local wiring, every other phone service can now be
provided by many phone companies. It takes time, however, for these companies
to build an infrastructure. In the interim, ILEC's want to do what they know
how to do - provide phone services. Local access and moving data are both
things which ILEC's know about, so they want to compete.
Compete! The FCC is forcing ILEC's to let others use their infrastructure so
that they can compete now, while they are still building their facilities.
It's a transition period. But even small-frys, like me, are able to compete.
Not so with cable, however.
> However, I fear it's much too difficult to push an entity out of
> business than prevent it it from getting in in the 1st place...
I fully agree! However, unless you have a time machine, we have to deal with
the situation we have now. The FCC is seeing to it that there is competition
in the phone industry. I want to see them do the same in the cable TV industry, too.
John Souvestre - Southern Star - 504-888-3348 - http://www.sstar.com
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Received on 12/15/02
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