On the date of 12/18/2002 10:42:07 PM , "Dave Prentice"
<prentice@instruction.com> spoke:
>Wow, talk about off-topic! Of course, you didn't mention that you are
>starting with an unprovable philosophical assumption about the reason
>for the universe's existence. If there is no reason, then it is
>equally likely that life could exist anywhere. If there is a reason
>determined by an almighty God who created everything (Eph. 3:9-10),
>then there might not be a need for other populated planets. Neither
>assumption - purpose or no purpose - can be proven. It's all a matter
>of faith.
Probabilistic analysis doesn't rely on faith... You assume a fixed
probability of life and apply it in a manner that takes into account
for the size of the universe, and certainty levels climb quickly.
And if the Biblical god only created life on one planet, his design
would be flawed... Why waste so much space and make things
inefficient? Clearly he wasn't an engineer. :)
Anyway... This discussion is going against something I resolved...
Never argue facts and figures against faith, the truth of facts and
figures will always lose.
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