[Nolug] An actual Linux trojan!!!

From: Ron Johnson <ron.l.johnson_at_cox.net>
Date: 15 Jan 2003 12:50:19 -0600
Message-Id: <1042656619.29813.91.camel@haggis>

"All the files in the home directory of the current user are deleted,
recursing into subdirectories."

My sister's PC got wiped out by a virus a few of weeks ago. The
disk was erased, including all the data from my brother-in-law's
business. Took 2 weeks to get it put back to virgin status.

That incident I think won a convert to mozilla...

/If/ I were to be sucessfully attacked by this trojan, I'd log in
as root and restore my ~, and go about my business.

| Ron Johnson, Jr.     mailto:ron.l.johnson@cox.net          |
| Jefferson, LA  USA   http://members.cox.net/ron.l.johnson  |
|                                                            |
| "Basically, I got on the plane with a bomb. Basically, I   |
|  tried to ignite it. Basically, yeah, I intended to damage |
|  the plane."                                               |
|    RICHARD REID, who tried to blow up American Airlines    |
|                  Flight 63                                 |
Nolug mailing list
Received on 01/15/03

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