"T.E.Stirewalt" <TomS@ComputerBrain.net> writes:
email works in plain text. please please consider using it.
especially on mailing lists. Double especially on mailing
lists where mosts of the participants are not using proprietary
mailreaders. I don't see blue and fonts. I see crap characters
and goofy line spacing.
If the samba share is hosted on the linux box, the create mask
and directory mask settings should do what you want. But you
also need to make sure the underlying unix permissions are in
sync as well.
> I dont know how to do this, typing man chmod gave me info on
> chmod as expected, but setgid was not in what came up on my
> screen. Will you expand on this a bit?
> Then fix all the existing files.
> # chgrp -R mygroup /my/shared/dir
> # chmod 2755 /my/shared/dir (could also do 'chmod ug+rwx,o+rx,g+s
> /my/shared/dir')
The above chmod statement does the setgid part.
ls -l will look something like:
drwxr-sr-x 3 scotth scotth 4096 Jul 29 2002 dirname
> # chmod -R g+w /my/shared/dir
> Done
> 4) set umask in /etc/profile so that files created
> will have group writeable perms. umask should be 002 in this
> case.
> Done
Probably irrelevant now that I understtand this is a samba
share and that is the only way users are adding files.
> I had no such lines in my etc/samba/samba.conf file,
> so I added them as set forth in the example you appended below,
> one command per line, using the numbers you suggested, to wit:
> write list = morgan
> read only = no
> create mask = 0775
> directory mask = 0775
But where? settings in a specific share definition override
settings in the global context. Send us the entire smb.conf
(samba.conf? Samba uses a file called smb.conf in 99% of
distributions that I'm aware of! Xandros being debian with
prettier clothes I wouldn't expect this to change). Also send
us the output of
$ cd /the/dir/in/question
$ ls -la
Also. how are you testing that it's "not working"?
-- Scott Harney<scotth@scottharney.com> "...and one script to rule them all." ___________________ Nolug mailing list nolug@nolug.orgReceived on 02/19/03
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