"Brian D. Mayeur" <bmayeur@bmay.net> writes:
Thanks Brian. I've put it on the site under the "Documentation" top link.
You'll see a flyer's folder there which contains it. I'll wait to
I get some other flyers before I stick a story on the front and link to
it elsewhere.
In other news, I can't load slashdot this morning for some reason from
the server the site is loaded on. Thus I have turned off the headlines
temporarily on the front page so you'll see 'Block Type rss Not Found'
where Freshmeat and Slashdot normally are. Hopefully that will be
resolved shortly.
-- Scott Harney<scotth@scottharney.com> "...and one script to rule them all." gpg key fingerprint=7125 0BD3 8EC4 08D7 321D CEE9 F024 7DA6 0BC7 94E5
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