[Nolug] Scripts I've written to make it really easy to upgrade a "mixed-mode" Debian system

From: Ron Johnson <ron.l.johnson_at_cox.net>
Date: 31 Mar 2003 19:13:23 -0600
Message-Id: <1049159603.1417.3914.camel@haggis>

You run them in order, after an "apt-get update".
Required package is apt-show-versions.
Modifying them for "stable" should be trivial.
I could have shrunk it down to 2 steps, but I like d/l and install to
be separate.

Any of you haven't used apt-show-versions, try it. It's fantastic...

| Ron Johnson, Jr.        mailto:ron.l.johnson@cox.net           |
| Jefferson, LA  USA      http://members.cox.net/ron.l.johnson   |
|                                                                |
| After listening to many White House, Pentagon & CENTCOM brief- |
| ings in both Gulf Wars, it is my firm belief that most "senior |
| correspondents" either have serious agendas that don't get     |
| shaken by facts, or are dumb as dog feces.                     |

Nolug mailing list

Received on 03/31/03

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