Re: [Nolug] Wireless IPSEC article on NOLUG

From: Ron Johnson <>
Date: 14 Apr 2003 14:49:02 -0500
Message-Id: <1050349742.3489.20.camel@haggis>

On Mon, 2003-04-14 at 13:59, Clint M. Sand wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 14, 2003 at 01:27:36PM -0500, Scott Harney wrote:
> > "Clint M. Sand" <> writes:
> Yeah, all the answers i've gotten on freenode have been. "who cares we
> just update to the lastest constantly". But really, i think to be able
> to use an OS for commercial use, there needs to be a repository for
> security alerts. I mean, for forensics even, to be able to go back and
> see "ok, this package on this date did have this vulnerablility" seems
> worth the effort for them to make a single html page listing them as
> they're found and patched.

See, this is why you should use Debian, if you can't afford VMS, which
is, of course, The One True OS...

| Ron Johnson, Jr.     Home:          |
| Jefferson, LA  USA |
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Nolug mailing list
Received on 04/14/03

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