Re: [Nolug] Bash/ed problem

From: Ron Johnson <>
Date: 21 Apr 2003 11:21:21 -0500
Message-Id: <1050942081.20500.69.camel@haggis>

On Mon, 2003-04-21 at 09:12, Craig Jackson wrote:
> Often when I paste data from some weird format document into vi, the
> lines don't wrap when they should. So if I issue the J command to every
> other line, it corrects it. Obviously I don't want to do this manually.
> Is there a sed/ed script that will join every other line?
> e.g.
> This might be how the text is pasted into vi:
> The dog jumped over the
> fence.
> The cat chased the mouse across the
> field.
> The cow stood quietly as the farmer
> milked it.
> There should be three lines instead of six. I've done a Google. Any
> ideas?

Since you are pasting from a "weird format document", presumably
your workstation is MS Windows and you have a Win-based telnet/ssh

If so, is there a "paste special" menu selection?

| Ron Johnson, Jr.     Home:          |
| Jefferson, LA  USA |
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Received on 04/21/03

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