Re: Re: [Nolug] call for help: white papers to show my CIO regarding Linux, Unix & Oracle

From: Ron Johnson <>
Date: 01 May 2003 20:22:02 -0500
Message-Id: <1051838522.1025.275.camel@haggis>

On Thu, 2003-05-01 at 20:10, Ron Johnson wrote:
> On Thu, 2003-05-01 at 15:38, wrote:
> I remember hearing, and believing, the same thing in the mid 80s. That
> was until I worked on a mainframe and saw how a box with 0.6 MIPS (yes,
> 3/5th of a MIP!) and 6MB RAM running a relational DBMS could handle 60
> clerks plus developers compiling code.

Oops. It was actually 6 MIPS and 8MB RAM. Point still valid, though...


| Ron Johnson, Jr.     Home:          |
| Jefferson, LA  USA |
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| An ad currently being run by the NEA (the US's biggest    |
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| elements.                                                 |
| And they wonder why people think public schools suck...   |
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Received on 05/01/03

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