[Nolug] Fwd: Perl 'Expert' Quiz-of-the-Week #13

From: Brett D. Estrade <estrabd_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, 28 May 2003 11:33:19 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <20030528183319.49076.qmail@web41504.mail.yahoo.com>

--- Mark Jason Dominus <mjd@plover.com> wrote:
> To: perl-qotw@plover.com
> Subject: Perl 'Expert' Quiz-of-the-Week #13
> Date: Wed, 28 May 2003 14:12:29 -0400
> From: Mark Jason Dominus <mjd@plover.com>
> IMPORTANT: Please do not post solutions, hints, or other spoilers
> until at least 60 hours after the date of this message.
> Thanks.
> IMPORTANTE: Por favor, no enviéis soluciones, pistas, o cualquier otra
> cosa que pueda echar a perder la resolución del problema hasta
> que hayan pasado por lo menos 60 horas desde el envío de este
> mensaje. Gracias.
> IMPORTANT: S'il vous plaît, attendez au minimum 60 heures après la
> date de ce message avant de poster solutions, indices ou autres
> révélations. Merci.
> WICHTIG: Bitte schicken Sie keine Lösungen, Tipps oder Hinweise für
> diese Aufgabe vor Ablauf von 60 Stunden nach dem Datum dieser
> Mail. Danke.
> BELANGRIJK: Stuur aub geen oplossingen, hints of andere tips in de
> eerste 60 uur na het verzendingstijdstip van dit
> bericht. Waarvoor dank.
> VNIMANIE: Pozhalujsta ne shlite reshenija, nameki na reshenija, i
> voobshe lyubye podskazki v techenie po krajnej mere 60 chasov
> ot daty etogo soobshenija. Spasibo.
> Qing3 Zhu4Yi4: Qing3 Ning2 Deng3Dao4 Jie1Dao4 Ben3 Xin4Xi2 Zhi1Hou4 60
> Xiao3Shi2, Zai4 Fa1Biao3 Jie3Da2, Ti2Shi4, Huo4 Qi2Ta1 Hui4
> Xie4Lou4 Da2An4 De5 Jian4Yi4. Xie4Xie4.
> The 'MH' mail system stores email messages in a 'folder', which is
> just a plain directory. Messages are files in this directory whose
> names are numerals. The directory might contain other files or
> subdirectories; these are not messages.
> Implement a 'sortby' command that sorts the messages in a folder by
> subject. It should rename the messages in the folder so that (a) the
> set of message numbers before and after is the same, and (b)
> afterwards, if the subjects were extracted from each message in
> message number order, they would be in alphabetic order. 'sortby' is
> not allowed to change the contents of the folder in any other way.
> 'sortby' is invoked like this:
> sortby folder-dir [-f fieldname] [-r]
> 'folder-dir' is the path to the folder directory. '-f fieldname', if
> present, tells 'sortby' to examine the specified field of each
> message, instead of the subject field. '-r', if present, reverses the
> order of the sort.
> For example, here's the contents of a folder before sorting:
> 393 -11/18 "Barbie" use strict<<Seeing as much of the Perl communit
> 588 -11/17 Maurice Fox Please unsubscribe me from this group.<<I tried
> 590 11/17 Not_a_Number Subroutines and warnings [SPOILER]<<Oh dear. Ha
> 605 11/07 Adam Lopresto Expert Quiz 4 Data<<Does anyone have some test
> Here it is after sorting:
> 393 11/07 Adam Lopresto Expert Quiz 4 Data<<Does anyone have some test
> 588 -11/17 Maurice Fox Please unsubscribe me from this group.<<I tried
> 590 11/17 Not_a_Number Subroutines and warnings [SPOILER]<<Oh dear. Ha
> 605 -11/18 "Barbie" use strict<<Seeing as much of the Perl communit
> Here it is after 'sortby -f From':
> 393 11/07 Adam Lopresto Expert Quiz 4 Data<<Does anyone have some test
> 588 -11/18 "Barbie" use strict<<Seeing as much of the Perl communit
> 590 -11/17 Maurice Fox Please unsubscribe me from this group.<<I tried
> 605 11/17 Not_a_Number Subroutines and warnings [SPOILER]<<Oh dear. Ha
> I won't be sending a postmortem on Monday, because I will be in
> Hawai`i. (See http://www.geekcruises.com/home/pw3_home.html ) I will
> send one when I get back, probaly on June 16.

"When it's third and ten, you can take the milk drinkers and I'll take the whiskey drinkers every time."
--Max McGee
#! /usr/bin/myInfo
set url http://www.brettsbsd.net/~estrabd
set eFax (253)484-8755
exit 0

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Received on 05/28/03

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