[Nolug] Even the cleanest, most readable, bug-less code can be brain-dead

From: Ron Johnson <ron.l.johnson_at_cox.net>
Date: 14 Jul 2003 21:43:57 -0500
Message-Id: <1058237037.19798.224.camel@haggis>

Remember this quote I wrote regarding poor script writing

> Most people, especially busy, mediocre programmers, and SysAdmins
> who hack out what they think are one-time scripts that somehow
> wind up still in production 3 years later, only think of the
> moment.

Well, I'm hoisted on my own petard... I wrote an SQL script
that I thought would run a few hours and be over, but now it's
42 hours, and if I kill it, the database will be frozen for
another 12+ hours, while the transaction rolls back.

If I'd have taken 10 minutes to put in a signal handler, I could
have made it commit or roll back at my whim and not be in this
jam. Sigh...

| Ron Johnson, Jr.     Home: ron.l.johnson@cox.net          |
| Jefferson, LA  USA   http://members.cox.net/ron.l.johnson |
|                                                           |
| 4 degrees from Vladimir Putin
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Received on 07/14/03

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