Re: [Nolug] What port does SAMBA use

From: Dustin Puryear <>
Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2003 11:57:05 -0500
Message-Id: <>

At 12:48 PM 7/15/2003 -0400, you wrote:

>for those who are interested, opening those ports didn't help...again
>Print manager can find the printer, but is "unable to connect to SAMBA
>host". I really get the feeling I have to set up something on the windows
>computer but I don't know what (I can connect to it from another windows
>XP machine...just not a linux box

You do. Windows XP, like NT and Win2k, is smart enough to require that you
connect with a valid user account. Are you trying to use an anonymous
connection? For that to work you need to enable the Guest account.
Otherwise, create an account named samba_user with minimal rights and then
connect using that account. If you enable logon auditing on the XP machine
you will see that the box is rejecting the connections.

Well, I think that is what is happening.

Dustin Puryear <>
Puryear Information Technology, LLC <>
Providing expertise in the management, integration, and
security of Windows and UNIX systems, networks, and applications.
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Received on 07/15/03

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