At the risk of being considered a Microsoft mole, I'll
post this job opportunity that I just received.
Colorado would be a nice place to spend a few months.
--- "Anna H. Montijo" <> wrote:
> We currently have the following position in Colorado
> Springs, Colorado. If you are interested please
> send your resume to
> A 3-month position open for a System Administrator
> with hands-on DII COE experience. This experience
> should include the following:
> 1. Installing and maintaining COE systems
> 2. Building and testing COE segments
> 3. Running and troubleshooting COE applications
> 4. Writing COE documentation and waivers
> 5. Installing and evaluating COE security tools
> 6. Performing COE compliance assessments
> No clearance required.
AYB meets Unix:
Last login: 2100 from
In A.D. 2101
session was beginning.
root@ayb:~> ps u
someone 1 0.0 0.0 pts/1 R 0:00 0:00 /bin/tcsh set
up='us the bomb'
talk: connection requested by cats@ayb
root@ayb:~> echo "What !" | write operator
operator@ayb:~> startx
root@ayb:~> grep cats /etc/passwd
cats@ayb:~> zigstat -a | grep gentlemen
cats@ayb:~> chown us /all/your/base
cats@ayb:~> killall -9 you
root@ayb:~> <shift-pgup>
cats@ayb:~> shutdown -h +30
cats@ayb:~> make yourtime
make: *** No rule to make target 'yourtime'. HA HA HA
HA ....
cats@ayb:~> cat zig > /dev/takeoff
root@ayb:~> sed
root@ayb:~> mv zig for-great-justice
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Received on 07/19/03
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