On Thu, 2003-07-24 at 22:59, c_matthews@cox.net wrote:
> ok so this is my progress.....nothing. Sure I am now in the text
> area (crtl-alt-F1) but running 'XConfigurator'does nothing, so i
> have been googleing and came accross this '/etc/X11/XF86Config'
> but i am not sure if this will work, mainly because it says I do
> not have permission for this, even though i am in as root. Another
> thing I tried is 'redhat-config-xfree86' and nothing happens.
> anyone else have any ideas?
Do you startup X via startx, or do you immediately boot into a GUI
login screen (meaning you use either xdm or gdm)?
If you boot directly to a GUI login, then find out which one you
use by doing:
# ls -aFl /etc/init.d/[xgk]dm
Once you find out which you have, disable it by adding this
after the "#!/bin/sh" :
exit 0
Then reboot, and you should come up in console mode, and you can
then configure X in a more calm manner.
When you *do* want to start X, type:
Oh, BTW, have you looked in /var/log/XFree86.0.log or ~/XFree86.0.log
These might prove useful:
grep Module XFree86.0.log
tail -n 30 XFree86.0.log
> -Craig
> >
> > From: "Dave Prentice" <prentice@instruction.com>
> > Date: 2003/07/23 Wed PM 11:31:46 EDT
> > To: <nolug@joeykelly.net>
> > Subject: Re: [Nolug] Help!
> >
> > Did you try a ctrl-alt-F1 to see if you can get a text mode prompt? If
> > so, you might be able to run XConfigurator to get the graphics mode
> > working again.
> > Dave Prentice
> > prentice@instruction.com
> > http://www.originsresource.org
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: c_matthews@cox.net <c_matthews@cox.net>
> > To: nolug@joeykelly.net <nolug@joeykelly.net>
> > Date: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 10:15 PM
> > Subject: [Nolug] Help!
> >
> >
> > >Ok so I installed that WineX thing, no problems there. Once I had
> > it, it told me to run a check on my graphics card. I did and it came
> > out negative, so it told me to change the config. Well I switched to
> > my M$ side and got all the information about my graphics card.
> > (GeForce 2, 32MB etc) Back in the linux box i searched for my display
> > options, and under that i looked for my graphics card. I found it,
> > and after applying it, it told me to reboot so the changes would take
> > place. Did this and when it went back to the "blue curve" interface
> > (i'am using red hat 8) all i could see was red and black and green
> > vertical lines. Could not see anything else. No way for me to change
> > the display options back. What do I do??? Is there a way to fix this
> > without re-installing linux? Some one please help
> > >-Craig
-- +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Ron Johnson, Jr. Home: ron.l.johnson@cox.net | | Jefferson, LA USA | | | | "I'm not a vegetarian because I love animals, I'm a vegetarian | | because I hate vegetables!" | | unknown | +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ ___________________ Nolug mailing list nolug@nolug.orgReceived on 07/25/03
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