Thanks, everybody, for your suggestions. Unfortunately, I am too thick
to put all the pieces together. I think I understand the examples, but
I still can't seem to get things to work. Here is some sample code so
everyone can see exactly what it is I am trying to accomplish.
<form action="<?echo $PHP_SELF?>" method="post">
/* Get the data in forms (named data_0, data_1, and data_2)
do something with it This is where I am lost.*/
$row[0] = data0;
$row[1] = data1;
$row[2] = data2;
/* The number of assignments here is variable, taken from however many
records may be present in a given table. The program loops through all
the information, creating an input for each one. These have to be
stored in a database. */
for ($i=0; $i < 3; $i++){
echo $row[$i];
echo "<input type=text name=data_$i size=3></br>";
<input type=submit name=submit>
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