RE: [Nolug] enumerating tar backups

From: Petri Laihonen <>
Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2003 16:16:52 -0600
Message-ID: <000a01c3c5b4$a70c1d40$6750a8c0@minilizards>

Thanks everybody from the feedback.

My final solution ended up being crude and simple.
3 different backup scripts and 3 crontab entries.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of Tim Kelley
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2003 3:49 AM
To:; Petri Laihonen
Subject: Re: [Nolug] enumerating tar backups

On Sunday 14 December 2003 1:22 pm, Petri Laihonen wrote:
> Hi all!
> Does anybody on the list happen to know command syntax for taking
> enumerated backups using tar, so that I would only have 3 days worth
> of backups available all the time.?
> I have not found a tar manual explaining the method of doing this.
> The option --backup=METHOD suggest along these lines, but I have not
> found any list of allowed methods or other parameters for creating
> this.
> Currently I have tar automatically create the date into the filename;
> however this would consume the available HD space within a week.
> (Including mirror for backups.)
> What I'm trying to do is to create 3 rotating backups,
> Day 1: Backup_01.tgz (eventually Days 4, 7, 10, etc....)
> Day 2: Backup_02.tgz (eventually Days 5, 8, 11, etc....)
> Day 3: Backup_03.tgz (eventually Days 6, 9, 12, etc....)

Well I just do tar czf backup-`date -I`.tar.gz /foo

To get rid of the old ones you can just do something like:

find /backupdir -type f -daystart -ctime +4 | xargs rm -f

Tim Kelley (entropy AT
New Orleans, LA
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