Re: [Nolug] QoS and/or netfilter/iptables bandwidth throttling

From: Tim Kelley <>
Date: Sat, 20 Dec 2003 22:24:31 -0600
Message-Id: <>

On Saturday 20 December 2003 21:14, Andrew S. Johnson wrote:
> Anybody have any experience with QoS and/or
> netfilter/iptables bandwidth throttling? I have a
> son who, now that we have a few PC's in the house,
> thinks all my bandwidth are belong to him. Wrong.
> Me thinks that with my Slackware Linux box/router
> I can fix this. Any words of wisdom?
> Andy Johnson

Yes, it can. :-)

Look into wshaper, or do the iproute stuff yourself.

It's fairly easy to set the P2P apps to low priority, all else follows.

Of course you need the QOS stuff available in the kernel.

It's very nice, for e.g., people can be downloading all manner of things from
my webserver, but my ssh sessions are unaffected and snappy as heck no matter

entropy @ [ New Orleans, LA ]
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Received on 12/20/03

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