On Behalf Of Mark A. Hershberger
Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2004 02:55 PM
To: nolug@joeykelly.net
Subject: RE: [Nolug] Mimedefang not stopping new virus
>On Wed, 2004-02-04 at 13:27, Chris Reames wrote:
>> Can you post a how to on setting up Postfix/Amavis/SpamAssassin/ClamAV.
>> I am plagued with getting 3/4 of the way working and I run out of
>> instructions.
>Where are you stuck? The first part is simple:
I am using my own domain name and I screwed up Bind.
I could send/recieve mail internally, but not externally.
I finally had Eatel host my domain and e-mail, now I'm getting slammed with
any generic spam
(My address was the first one setup, and I'm listed as Domain Admin.)
>$ apt-get install postfix amavisd-new spamassassin clamav-daemon
will this work on SuSE as well?
>After that, you configure postfix to relay incoming email through
>amavisd: http://wiki.spamassassin.org/w/IntegratedInMta
>That should do it.
>I'd like to write up the howto (as I said), but I'm swamped right now.
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Received on 02/04/04
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