Re: [Nolug] PHP $_POST problem

From: Petri Laihonen <>
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2004 19:10:26 -0600 (CST)
Message-ID: <>

> I've got a sticky problem that I need to solve. I've just turned on
> register_globals in my PHP php.ini file, and therefore have to run my form
> variables through $_POST:
> Here is the script with register_globals OFF:

This did not respond.

> Here is the script with register_globals ON:
> Notice the huge nested array at the bottom when you click [SUBMIT]? That's

> My question: What am I doing wrong? I suspect that I'm having trouble with
> nested arrays, etc.. The thing that bothers me is that the data is
> available

Have you tried reading your array values back to simple variables?

while(list($var,$val) = each($_REQUEST)) {
        $invals .= $var . "=" . $val . "&";
$invals = substr_replace($invals, "", -1); // removes the last "&" sign.
echo $invals;

You can also create $var <-> $val pairs and separate them with ";" instead
of "&". and naturally add "$" to the front of the $var. Then you can just
do eval($invals, ";") and all detected variables with values are there to

for example:
(Should work with $_POST also...)

while(list($var,$val) = each($_REQUEST)) {
        $invals .= "$" . $var . "=" . $val . ";";
eval($invals, ";");

And you should have all posted variables with the names they were posted
as if they were defined like below..
$myvar = "myval";
$yourvar = "yourval";

Okke... back to work.......


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Received on 03/16/04

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