Re: [Nolug] Help please

From: Kevin Kreamer <>
Date: Sun, 04 Apr 2004 17:15:49 -0500
Message-ID: <m1isgfz8x6.fsf@seanchan.etherhogz.invalid>

pltaylor <> writes:

> Kevin Kreamer wrote:
>> What does the output of /sbin/ifconfig say? And what's an example
>> of
>> a website that you can connect to?
>> Kevin
>> ___________________
>> Nolug mailing list
[ ifconfig output ]
> Of the links that I use alot only google is unreachable, a couple of
> others like my bank will dispaly the home page, but not all links
> within are reachable.
> sites suchs as Groklaw, Slashdot, Osnews, Natinoal weather service
> all work.
> I have also noted that the machime is starting to get really slow on
> boot or launching an app. Also the cursor will freeze momentarily
> sometimes.

I'm sorry, I can't really tell what the problem is. I would guess
the next debugging step would be to use something like tcpdump to see
exactly what was happening on the network. I think that might be
more effort than you want to spend on this, though.


Nolug mailing list
Received on 04/04/04

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