[Nolug] Cleaning out the closet.

From: krunk <krunkalot_at_hotpop.com>
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2004 19:04:44 -0500
Message-Id: <C5DEAF78-BF28-11D8-AFB0-000A95B6BD3E@hotpop.com>

I'm moving soon and there are a good bit of electronics floating around
my house. I have two bare bones x86's in the PII 3-400mhz range, maybe
a bit higher. They're in cases with pretty much everything except ram.
I think there's an old complete PI in there somewhere with ram and all.
A Voodoo 3300 and a Voodoo 5500......I may find other things as I go

I would be interested in getting rid of these for dirt cheap trades.
Basically toss me a stick of ram in the 100-133mhz range >128mb or some
pc2100 of any size, a decent Mac game (all the blizzard games are dual
install fyi), or anything that runs on electricity and is interesting.
If you *really* need it and don't have anything to trade let me know.

I also have a Dell 5150 @ 3.06 ghz HT, with all specs maxed out, if
your interested in purchasing, I'm flexible on price there too.

Nolug mailing list
Received on 06/15/04

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