[Nolug] file upload problems w/ PHP

From: Steven Cardella <ssc_at_bertucciinc.com>
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2004 16:01:26 -0500
Message-Id: <7C83B2CB-CA0F-11D8-9B4C-00039375213A@bertucciinc.com>

Hi all,

I'm putting together a website, and I'm trying to set it up so that my
users can upload pics with their articles/news/etc and have it work

The problem is that I'm running into permissions problems...

they'll upload a file, and it saves it to /tmp/whatever.jpg. No
problem here.
If i try using move_uploaded_file("/Users/someone/images") or similar,
it fails; permissions problem.

If I try to have it run the shell script, via
$errs=`ncftpput -u someone -p somepasswd localhost ./images/
it'll upload the file alright, but I won't have permission to read it
(for some reason).
If I try to add a -X "chmod 0766 %s", it doesn't seem to execute the
extra ftp command:
$errs=`ncftpput -u someone -p somepasswd -X "chmod 0766 %s" \
        localhost ./images/ /tmp/whatever.jpg`;

I can't su to user someone, because it's not on the sudoers list, and I
don't have root access.

manually using ncftp to upload it works fine, ie:
ncftp -u someone -p somepasswd localhost
>cd images
>put /tmp/whatever.jpg
>chmod 0766 whatever.jpg
gives me exactly what I need, it's just being ornery to automate.

btw, the people I'm writing it for wouldn't understand how to use a ftp


Steve Cardella

Nolug mailing list
Received on 06/29/04

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