Re: [Nolug] Debian and ATI Radeon 9200

From: Friedrich Gurtler <>
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2004 15:57:33 -0500
Message-ID: <>

Andrew S. Johnson wrote:

> Well, ATI has binary only drivers, too. Also, there is the GATOS
>project for open source ATI drivers that work with my Radeon AIW
>just fine.
>Just what is the problem you are having, anyway?
I am using the ATI binary only drivers. They require a kernel extension
to be built to run them. If you are running a RPM based system, it did
the compiling of the module as part of the installation. I converted
the RPM to a DEB and am having problems compiling the extension. It
complains that my kernel source code (2.4.25) is different from the
kernel I am running (2.4.25-1-386) -- so I am currently working on
recompiling my kernel to ensure the source and the running kernel are
indeed the same.

Nolug mailing list
Received on 07/28/04

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