On Thu, 2004-09-02 at 18:05 -0500, Jeremy (mailing list box) wrote:
> Joey Kelly wrote:
> I figured out who George (Bush), John (Kerry), Michael B(adnarik) and
> Ralph (Nader) are, but who in Hades are the others ?
They are from fringe (sometimes in the literal meaning, sometimes
in the snide meaning) parties like Constitution, Natural Law,
Socialist Workers, etc, etc, and sometimes they have registered
because they are crazy or want to have some fun.
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Ron Johnson, Jr. Jefferson, LA USA PGP Key ID 8834C06B "There is no shadow of protection to be had by sheltering behind the slender stockades of visionary speculation, or by hiding behind the wagon-wheels of pacific theories." Madame Chiang Kai-Shek
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