> >> Does anyone have ideas or pointers how to monitor user logons and set
> >> system to immediately e-mail about it?
> >
> > Depend on shell, the /etc/profile (bash) or /etc/csh.cshrc (*csh) gets run
> > upon user login. Add something like
> >
> > echo "$USER logged in" | mail -s'User login' you@somewhere.com
> >
> > to those files.
You could also run a command from cron that will look in /var/log/messages
for something on this line:
sshd[14352]: Accepted password for brad from ::ffff:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx port
32839 ssh2
somethign like
grep "Accepted password" /var/log/messages
of course with this you'll get the same list over and over...
Nolug mailing list
Received on 10/21/04
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