Re: [Nolug] Community project: Mail/web server for Mischa

From: Jeremy (mailing list box) <>
Date: Fri, 05 Nov 2004 10:55:29 -0600
Message-ID: <>

In order to keep any email from getting lost during the change over, you
might want to get a set of back MX hosts for your domain. That way, if
your EL connection goes down or your server isn't up, you'll have 21
days to get things in order before messages start to bounce.

I've been using these guys for several months now and they've worked
like a charm in the rare event that my server goes down...


Mischa Krilov wrote:
> Well, it finally happened. I got a notification from my former employers
> giving me one week left on their servers. Now, I need to bring up and
> have working a mail/web server by Friday, 12 November. So, I open this
> task up to the NOLUG community as a cry for help.
> I know that I've brought this up in casual conversation before, but now
> I've got a deadline! To make life easier, I've decided to look at this
> as an opportunity for not only myself, but the rest of the gang as well.
> I expect everyone's done part of this task over time, but here's where
> we can start from virtually nothing and get something working. I'd also
> like to document everything and make it into a HOWTO for others to learn.
> Cons:
> I've never done this from scratch before.
> I've got just over a week to get this together.
> I expect an Indiana Jones style swap from one server to the other.
> Pros:
> I've already got a static IP (Earthlink) for the house.
> My domain ( doesn't have anything wacky on it save email.
> I can likely scare up a non-flaky non-crummy box, but as always will
> welcome donations.
> I'm currently distribution-agnostic- Though Gentoo is likely out, due to
> the time pressure.
> I'm also email-server-agnostic. Postfix, sendmail, qmail, J. Random's
> mailserver, I'm not choosy.
> The power of Linux and NOLUG. w00t!
> Other Requirements:
> I'm partial to the Horde project, and would like to use it for webmail
> and so forth.
> I hear SpamAssassin is the thing to use these days.
> And what the hey, let's do FTP as well.
> Okay, gang- I can bribe with drinks, food, my girlfriend's home-baked
> cookies, whatever. I"m counting on yall to help me here! Has anyone been
> in this situation before? What package decisions did you make, and why?
> What hardware requirements should I consider? What gotchas do I need to
> be aware of when transferring services from one company's server to a
> personal one?
> Thanks to all in advance,
> ___________________
> Nolug mailing list

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Received on 11/05/04

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