-ray wrote:
> On Tue, 13 Dec 2005, John Kosta wrote:
>> But, if I change the -exec portion to:
>> -exec ls {} \;
> And just FYI, find has it's own -ls built in, and is a lot cheaper than
> forking /bin/ls on each file.
> find . -ls
> ray
Good to know.
Well, it turns out that I am still in need of a solution.
The problem is, I don't want to delete the directories, just the
contents of said "cache" directories.
find /path -type d -name "*[Cc]ache*" -print -exec "rm -f {}/*.*" \;
doesn't work, because of M$'s
"Application Data/"
In other words, because of the space in the directory name, you end up
trying to delete:
You end up with two strings instead of the full path to the file.
Another idea I tried which looked like it would work was:
print . |grep "Cache/" |while read f; do rm $f done;
Again, any spaces in the directory path breaks that (though it does work
if you have a full path and file names without spaces).
So, still scratching my head. I guess I need to make sure I can even
delete this stuff by hand, by putting in the full path with quotes or
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