Re: [Nolug] Final decision on meeting place and time

From: A. Murat Eren <>
Date: Thu, 1 Jun 2006 13:36:53 -0500
Message-Id: <>


On Thursday 01 June 2006 14:00, Chris Johnston wrote:
> Has there been a consensus on a meeting place and time going forward? If so
> when and where is it?

 One month ago there was a thread about monthly meetings but AFAIK we have no
decision about absolute meeting place and time yet.

 I think it'd be nice to arrange a meeting soon. Are we waiting for something?

 Joey, what do you think?

 Best regards,

- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -
 A. Murat Eren
 meren at
 7BCD A5A1 8101 0F6D 84A4  BD11 FE46 2B92 527D 7293
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 Gnome seems to be developed by interface nazis,
 where consistently the excuse for not doing
 something is not "it's too complicated to do",
 but "it would confuse users" (Linus).

Nolug mailing list

Received on 06/01/06

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