I work part time for an appraiser who has a program that is an overlay over
access and it is having some serious problems. He is getting ready to run an
ad on Craigslist for a consultant to help fix it. I can get you in the door
if you are interested.
Christopher Johnston
Primerica Financial Services
irie%2CLA+70001%2CUSA&hl=en> 4200 S. I-10 Service Rd. W
Suite 201
Metairie, LA 70001 USA
We're hiring! <http://www.linkedin.com/e/jsc/Primerica+Financial+Services/>
Work: 5047809828
Mobile: 5044161596
Fax: 5047802869
Email: <mailto:cmjohnston@gmail.com> cmjohnston@gmail.com
IM: cmjrvp (Skype)
See who we know in <http://www.linkedin.com/e/wwk/4304767/> common
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